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Compliance - Overview

Compliance - Overview

This training guide explains the different functionalities within the Compliance section of JMS One.

A Client is a customer of JMS One. Each Client has a number of units attached to them and Jobs are posted out to these units and to the user who works for these units. However, to enable the staff to work a shift in a particular unit, they need to be Compliant with the training requirements of the Client. A Client has certain requirements that staff with a particular job role should fulfil. The requirements can also be unit specific.

The requirements are in the form of compliance documents that the user needs to supply to the Client or Unit. Only then will they become eligible to work these shifts. There are four types of compliance documents namely Critical, By Date, Exists and Other. The critical documents are DBS and NMC as without them, working in healthcare isn't possible. The DBS document is to check the criminal record of the user and NMC is the identification number provided to nurses to work in the healthcare industry. By Date documents are marked by expiration date and the and the user will be notified when the document is due to expire. Once the document expires the user is considered Non-Compliant. There is functionality to override the expiry date to a future date, which they will be compliant to. However, the override cannot exceed another document expiry date. The Exists documents are the ones that need to exist in order for the user to be considered compliant. These haven't got an expiry date. The documents that don't belong to the other categories are known as Other. 

There are two types of compliance that are defined in the configuration settings. They are the Zero Tolerance System and the Point Based System. The Client can switch to any of these as required at any time. The Zero Tolerance System is where as soon as a compliance document expires the staff member becomes non-compliant and cannot work any more shifts. In the Point Based system, a point is assigned to a client for compliance, and only when this threshold is crossed the staff member becomes non-compliant. Every compliance document is assigned a point and when they expire the points get added up and when the added points cross the threshold assigned to the client, the staff member becomes non-compliant. 

There is also the concept of the Master Document List which keeps a list of all the compliance documents required for a particular client. Unit specific documents are also kept here. There is functionality to add a compliance item to a client and also to edit it. 

Please find below a list of and detailed description of all the compliance functionalities in the Compliance section of JMS One.

Full Training Guides:

Add a Compliance Item for a User

Add Compliance Item under Master Document List

Validate a User's Compliance Document

Edit Compliance Item under Master Document List

Override Compliance

Reject a User's Compliance Document

Upload Compliance Documents for a User

View Compliance Document

View NMC Logs

View DBS Logs