How to Uninstall & Reinstall the JMS One App - iPhone (iOS)


By the end of this guide, you will be able to uninstall and install the JMS One app on your iPhone.

Step by Step:


1. Unlock your iPhone and find the 'JMS One' app icon on your screen

2. Tap and hold on the JMS One app. Lift your finger off when the app starts to move.

3. Tap the Cross in the top left-hand corner of the app icon.

4. Tap the Delete button.

5. Once you are done, press the 'Done' button in the top right-hand corner OR press your home button depending on which iPhone you have.


1. Find the 'App Store' icon on your iPhone and tap the icon

2. Tap the Search in the bottom left-hand corner.

3. Click the Search Bar and `type in 'JMS One' and press search.

4. The JMS One app will appear. Tap the cloud icon to download the app.

5. Find the JMS One app on your home screen and open the app. Once the app is open, click 'Allow' to receive notifications via the app.

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