Current Cat=11 How to Assign a Job Please wait .........

How to Assign a Job


By the end of this guide, you will be able to assign a job to a user.

Step by Step:

1. Navigate to Admin View by clicking on your profile image in the top right corner and click on ‘Switch to Admin View’. (This might not be available depending on your permissions)

2. Click on the Jobs tab in the top left-hand corner.

3. Below you will see Assign a JobOnce clicked, a popup will appear.

4. Fill in the necessary details and provide the User Name that you are assigning the job to. For more information, see our training guide.

You can also select more than one date, which will create multiple jobs with the same criteria. Select the require date/dates and click 'Close Datepicker'.

Once the details are complete, click the Assign button. 

5. The Job Details will appear. Double-check the details and click the Submit Button.

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