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How to Cancel a Shift


By the end of this guide, you will be able to cancel a shift. This will depend on if your employer allows users to cancel shifts via the JMS One app. Please contact your manager before completing the following.

Only cancel a shift if it's an emergency.

Step by Step:

1. Open the JMS One App and Click on the My Shifts Tab, located on the bottom of the screen.



2. This screen will display all the accepted/booked jobs in a Calendar. If the day is highlighted green, this indicates you have a booked job for this day.

3. Clicking on the date will display the job card. This shows the key information about the booked shift.



4. Clicking on the job card will take you to the Job Detail screen. Here you can see all the details related to this shift. To cancel the shift, click on 'Cancel' at the bottom of the screen. Only cancel if it is an emergency.



5. Read the message within the popup. If you still wish to cancel the shift, click Yes.



6. Type in a cancellation reason within the text box and click confirm. The job will be cancelled and your manager will be notified.  

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